NSTRA - AKC Hunt Test & Field Trial Breeding
Bird Dogs For Bird Hunters If they are not good enough for us, they are not good enough for you!!
We strive to produce outstanding GSP's that can live in the house, hunt for the foot hunter and be competitive in the field. We do this by bring together the best qualities of some of the dominant lines of GSP's in recent history.
We live in Central Minnesota on a small hobby farm near Atwater. I am the director/coordinator of the ACGC Alternative Learning School in Atwater. As an educator in an alternative setting, I work with students that have difficulties coping in the mainstream educational system. Along with our educational curriculum, some of the activities the students and the staff participate in are: working with the DNR to develop or improve wetland areas, marking wildlife hunting areas, helping to improve wildlife habitat and providing food to the wildlife during the winter months. Our school year runs from the first part of September to the middle of June.
My Wife Kim, has a full time career as a stay at home mom caring for our three children Noah, Madelynn & Emily. We have been involved with GSP's since 1990 both as a breeder and hunters/field trials.
Our breeding program strives to produce the best qualities in temperament, trainability, conformation, and huntability. Every puppy produced deserves to go to an excellent home that will love and care for these puppies. Our buyers will be and have been carefully checked to make sure they have the time and patients to raise and train their new puppy all the way though its life.
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Terry & Kim Singsank: terry.singsank@meekercoop.net